
A nice picture of me!
Photo of me playing Ultimate

Hi! I'm Caleb

I'm Virginia-raised, Brown-educated, and super-excited that you're here!
Currently, I study Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Brown University. I will graduate in May 2025.

I've always been fascinated by solving problems in the most efficient ways possible. In high school, I learned about coding in a computer science class and haven't looked back since.
Across my studies and professional experience, I always think critically, design for accessibility, and seek to learn more.

Outside the classroom, I am the captain for Brown's Men's Ultimate frisbee A Team, Brownian Motion. We are ranked top 10 in the country and dedicate countless hours to our craft.
When I'm not busy scoring goals and winning games, I have also served as team equipment manager, social media director, jersey designer, and official team journalist.
I participate in Brown's Trivia Society and was selected as a Finalist for Brown Consulting Club's Case@Brown competition.

Programming Languages:
  • Proficient: Python, Java, C, C++, HTML/CSS, TypeScript/JavaScript, React
  • Intermediate: Assembly, ReasonML

  • Proficient: Git/GitHub, Command line, Microsoft Office, Google Suite, Windows, MacOS
  • Intermediate: Figma, Docker

